Tuesday: Twins 7 - Brewers 3
Wednesday: Twins 3 - Brewers 4
Thursday: Twins 6 - Brewers 4
Tuesday's game seemed to last Liriano was effective enough, but struggled. And the misplays by the Brewers were great for the Twins. The game got better once the bullpen came in. It's good to see that they're getting things together. I even commented on Twitter that the more I see R.A. Dickey, the more I like having him around.
Wednesday's game was a stinger. Blackie did such a nice job pitching, only to be overshadowed by that one, painful misplay. Ouch. When I was watching it, I felt like I got punched in the gut! I can't even imagine how poor Nick felt. I hope he's got thick skin and can get over it quick. So, yeah, maybe I should stop talking about it.
On a side note about Wednesday's game -- there was a Brewers fan in my house (one of my son's buddies) for the last few innings, and he's a pretty intense sports fan. When that error happened, he cheered for his team, he said something about never seeing Jason Kendall getting hits like that, and that's it. No rubbing it in. No smack talk. No in my face. Just a smile for the team he loves. Maybe it was because I must have looked like I was about to cry, but he was super classy. And I appreciated it. He can watch baseball with me any time.
I spent Thursday's game driving. For my last birthday, hubby bought me an XM radio for my car. I use it every day, but it really paid for itself today because I didn't miss a moment of the Twins game while cruising through Iowa and Missouri. XM airs the home team feed, so I got to listen to Bob Uecker and the other guy. It's always fun to listen to other broadcasters, but I really got a kick out Uecker. He speaks in a choppy, staccato style, as if there's a full-stop after every word. But he's got a great sense of humor, and does great play-by-play (hint: he tells the score exactly often enough). He was especially amused when a foul ball screamed over Prince Fielder's head causing Prince to fall and flip a somersault (I can't wait to see video of that). But anyway, it was a good game for the Twins: Scotty pitched well, the bats made enough noise, and The Nathonator saved it. I liked seeing this in my car as I was driving (ok, I wasn't driving when I took this picture; we switched drivers in the bottom of the 8th):

So, you may be asking, "k-bro, why are you doing all that driving?" Well, let me tell you...I'm in St. Louis! See?

We came to see the boys in the new Busch stadium. We're going to Friday night's and Saturday afternoon's games. There might be a brewery tour involved as well.
As I'm typing this, the weather forecast came on. Yup, St. Louis knows how to do hot -- 94 Friday, and 99 Saturday (with a heat index of 110). So, I might be partaking in brewery products.
I'll have pictures when I get back. If you want to keep up with my random observations in semi-real time, follow me on Twitter (
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