The Star Tribune has a great photo gallery. And Haas took some great photos at the ceremony.
The Logo: I love it. It's sleeker than the old one, but still classic. I like the addition of "Baseball Club."
new logo
old logo

The Primary Home Uniforms: They're very similar to the previous primary home unis, with the Twins in the new stylized font. I'm happy.
The Secondary Home Uniforms: Cream-colored and very much like the uniforms of 1961. Nice.
The Road Uniforms: I don't like them. They remind me of Detroit's road uniforms. Detroit's road uniforms are just fine -- for the Tigers.
The Home Cap: Unchanged. Good. I love the TC.
The Road Cap: The main road cap will be just like the home one, with the TC, with a red bill. However, they did not completely get rid of the ones with the "M" logo. I guess Joe Mauer was fond of the "M" caps. And, hey, keeping it just for him is good practice for the "whatever Joey wants, Joey gets" negotiating philosophy.
I do know one thing: seeing Denard and Scotty all dressed and ready to play made me a little excited for the season to start.
For some reason I really like the new road uni's.
Yeah, I noticed that the Twitter crowd was split -- especially regarding the road unis. And in my own household, we're evenly split on them too.
The baseball seams on the logo went from a two-seam fastball grip to a slider grip. A hint to Liriano?
I love the throwbacks. Still dreaming of the powder blue ones someday! Road unis reminded me of Atlanta Braves, especially due to the colors. I think baseball needs to enter the modern era. Washing machines are rather common these days. The need to have gray uniforms to hide dirt during road trips seems to be a bit outdated. I may blog about it, but I'd like to see baseball join the other sports with white & a solid color!
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